オープンストリートマップ 岐阜県 2021 年 02 月 28 日の編集記録

Add relation to Chuo Shinkansen. And, maglev should be tagged as monorail. by Jyunhou
fixed Highway intersecting small water piece 禅昌寺付近の道路の橋を追加 by taki3hira
fixed Highway intersecting small water piece 下呂駅付近付近の道路と細野谷の調整 by taki3hira
fixed Highway intersecting small water piece 細野谷、芦谷と道路の調整 by taki3hira
fixed Highway intersecting small water piece 高山線下麻生駅付近の水路・道路の調整 by taki3hira
fixed Highway intersecting small water piece 飛騨萩原付近の水路・道路の調整 by taki3hira
愛知県内道路修正 by TKE-waka
長野県内河川レイヤー変更 by TKE-waka
愛知県内河川レイヤー変更 by TKE-waka
岐阜県内河川レイヤー変更 by TKE-waka
update area by trace1125
update area by trace1125
update area by trace1125
update area by trace1125
update area by trace1125
update area by trace1125
update trace by trace1125
