オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2021 年 02 月 09 日の編集記録

北久宝寺町3、南久宝寺町3交差点。 by terrible noise
南久宝寺町3から東へ、南久宝寺通の歩道を1ブロック。 by terrible noise
higway⇒highway綴り修正。 by terrible noise
Add bus stops in Nodahanshin by sue77
河内長野市喜多町付近の建物追加。 by taki3hira
道路や建物などを追加 by Rakkka
家形の追加 by どがさん
家形の追加 by どがさん
Grass shows up better than flowerbeds on the map by bjornstar
Updates based on a visit today. None of the satellite photos are up to date with the recent road changes. by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on a visit today, and satellite photos. by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on a visit today, and road data at gsi.jp by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on a visit today, and satellite photos. by Jeffrey Friedl
Add some paths to the park by bjornstar
#OSMBD #MissingMaps Fixing OSMOSE Issues by mmahmud
住之江区の建物・道路を追加・修正 by K_Sakanoshita
