オープンストリートマップ 宮城県 2021 年 02 月 07 日の編集記録

折立橋 by Mzaki
復興道路 by Mzaki
Created 3 video_games shops, 2 company offices, and 11 other objects; Updated 2 buildings, 2 convenience shops, and 2 other objects by aquila2
Created 2 clothes shops, 2 fire_hydrants, and 5 other objects by aquila2
Created a fire_hydrant and a post_box by aquila2
Created a bar, a bus_stop, and 2 other objects; Updated a building by aquila2
Created 2 company offices, 2 telephones, and 8 other objects by aquila2
Created 13 fire_hydrants, 6 hairdresser shops, and 30 other objects by aquila2
Created 8 fire_hydrants, 4 bus_stops, and 10 other objects by aquila2
Created 10 fire_hydrants, 4 waste_disposals, and 13 other objects; Updated a building and a residential building by aquila2
