オープンストリートマップ 宮城県 2021 年 01 月 29 日の編集記録

Created a dentist by aquila2
Created 2 ngo offices by aquila2
Created a waste_disposal by aquila2
Created 3 company offices, a car_parts shop, and 2 other objects by aquila2
Created 4 waste_disposals, 3 fire_hydrants, and 5 other objects by aquila2
Created 3 fire_hydrants, 2 waste_disposals, and 6 other objects by aquila2
公園です by むたごんんn
公園です by むたごんんn
公園です by むたごんんn
おおなみ皮フ科を追加 by mocaca
池を削除 by mocaca
Created 9 company offices, 6 fire_hydrants, and 48 other objects by aquila2
Created 4 fire_hydrants, 3 company offices, and 11 other objects by aquila2
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by aquila2
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:man%20made=pier by lubademskaya
国道7号バイパス関連リレーションの整理。名称修正 by Otenkiya
Refined courses by Ottonormalverbraucher
Created 8 company offices, 4 place_of_worships, and 22 other objects by aquila2
Created 2 restaurants, a company office, and 6 other objects by aquila2
気仙沼道路 by Mzaki
気仙沼道路 by Mzaki
常磐自動車道 by Mzaki
鳥の海PA by Mzaki
西中瀬橋 by Mzaki
石巻市 by Mzaki
