オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2020 年 12 月 11 日の編集記録

北野田駅付近の分岐器を追加 by taki3hira
Added network 南海 by Diego Sanguinetti
Add stop to Nankai Airport Line by Diego Sanguinetti
Add/ fix at Osaka pref by u_kubota
Added/updated POIs. by okadatsuneo
Add drains in Kishiwada by sue77
Add drains in Kishiwada by sue77
Add drains in Kishiwada by sue77
Add drains in Kishiwada by sue77
Add drains in Kishiwada by sue77
Add bus stops in Higashiosaka by sue77
Fix bus stops in Higashiosaka by sue77
Added/updated POIs. by okadatsuneo
万博記念公園の歩行者天国がpedestrianからserviceになっていたのをリバート。コメントしても返信がないため。あと修正。余計なタグを削除。上津道などの名称は南側の道だけのようなので北側からは削除。 by Rakkka
Add bus stops in Higashiosaka by sue77
Add bus stops in Higashiosaka by sue77
Added/updated POIs. by okadatsuneo
Added/updated POIs. by okadatsuneo
Add bus stops in Higashiosaka by sue77
Add bus stops in Higashiosaka by sue77
Added/updated POIs. by okadatsuneo
Added/updated POIs. by okadatsuneo
Created a cafe, a post_box, and a restaurant by K_Sakanoshita
Added/updated POIs. by okadatsuneo
Updated based on actual traffic condition. by 1969z8
Added/updated POIs. by okadatsuneo
This path is just for PED. (There is car barricade) by 1969z8
Added/updated POIs. by okadatsuneo
This path is just for PED. by 1969z8
Added/updated POIs. by okadatsuneo
Created a books shop, a dentist, and 3 other objects by K_Sakanoshita
Created a greengrocer shop and a place_of_worship by K_Sakanoshita
Created a place_of_worship by K_Sakanoshita
Added/updated POIs. by okadatsuneo
Added/updated POIs. by okadatsuneo
一方通行を正しく入力 by funachuu
Added/updated POIs. by okadatsuneo
一方通行を正しく入力 by funachuu
一方通行を正しく入力 by funachuu
一方通行を正しく入力 by funachuu
一方通行の反映 by tekuteku005
一方通行を正しく入力 by funachuu
一方通行の反映 by tekuteku005
Updated based on actual traffic condition. (Includes case focusing on the driver's safety) by 1969z8
進入禁止等の条件を追加 by funachuu
Updated based on actual traffic condition. (Include cases focusing on the driver's safety) by 1969z8
Updated based on actual traffic condition. (Include cases focusing on the driver's safety) by 1969z8
進入禁止等の条件を追加 by funachuu
Updated based on actual traffic condition. (Include cases focusing on the driver's safety) by 1969z8
Updated based on actual traffic condition. (Include cases focusing on the driver's safety) by 1969z8
Updated based on actual traffic condition. (Include cases focusing on the driver's safety) by 1969z8
進入禁止等の条件を追加 by funachuu
Updated based on actual traffic condition. (Include cases focusing on the driver's safety) by 1969z8
一方通行の反映等 by tekuteku005
Fix bus stops in Yao by sue77
Fix bus stops in Yao by sue77
Updated based on actual traffic condition. (Include cases focusing on the driver's safety) by 1969z8
進入禁止等の条件を追加 by funachuu
Updated based on actual traffic condition. (Include cases focusing on the driver's safety) by 1969z8
蕪村公園内の歩道や階段、ベンチ、時計、樹木を追加 by taki3hira
Updated based on actual traffic condition. (Include cases focusing on the driver's safety) by 1969z8
一方通行の反映等 by tekuteku005
進入禁止等の条件を追加 by funachuu
Updated based on actual traffic condition. (Include cases focusing on the driver's safety) by 1969z8
Updated based on actual traffic condition. (Include cases focusing on the driver's safety) by 1969z8
