オープンストリートマップ 北海道 2020 年 11 月 07 日の編集記録

Create route master by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish translation by Diego Sanguinetti
Update network, add operator by Diego Sanguinetti
Update network, add operator by Diego Sanguinetti
Add color by Diego Sanguinetti
Add Wikipedia and Wikidata by Diego Sanguinetti
Reworking route name by Diego Sanguinetti
Reworking route name and color by Diego Sanguinetti
Reworking route name and color by Diego Sanguinetti
Reworking route name and color by Diego Sanguinetti
Reworking route name and color by Diego Sanguinetti
Reworking route name and color by Diego Sanguinetti
Reworking route name and color by Diego Sanguinetti
Fix gap in route by Diego Sanguinetti
Fix airport link by Diego Sanguinetti
Fix stop area by Diego Sanguinetti
fix public transport by fuk
fix public transport by fuk
fix public transport by fuk
道道北見常呂線 歩道・横断歩道追加(北見市本町-花月町) by Hokkosha
fix forest relation self-intersection error in Kunashiri Island by Hokkosha
fix public transport by fuk
building add.(小樽市長橋4丁目) by stosh77
Created 2 hot_springs, a camp_site, and 2 other objects by Андрей С@ныч
Created 10 attractions, 2 hot_springs, and 2 other objects; Updated a geyser and a waterfall by Андрей С@ныч
広尾町の津波避難階段を追加する by まなてぃ
広尾駅(バス)の樹木を追加する by まなてぃ
広尾駅(バス)の樹木を追加する by まなてぃ
広尾駅(バス)の樹木を追加する by まなてぃ
広尾駅(バス)の樹木を追加する by まなてぃ
橋を作成 by brickbird
幌延町の道路・建物編集 by jyun76
幌延町の道路・建物編集 by jyun76
道の編集 by HIK95
道の編集 by HIK95
道の編集 by HIK95
道の編集 by HIK95
道の編集 by HIK95
道の編集 by HIK95
湿地追加、小河川追加、森林修正(厚岸町) by Hokkosha
道の編集 by HIK95
道の編集 by HIK95
道の編集 by HIK95
道の編集 by HIK95
道の編集 by HIK95
道の編集 by HIK95
#MappyHour 釧路湿原 湖陵高校生物部の調査フィールド by hayashi
#MappyHour 釧路湿原 湖陵高校生物部の調査フィールド by hayashi
