オープンストリートマップ 神奈川県 2020 年 09 月 19 日の編集記録

浜20系統を追加 by red_mokuri
大和市渋谷7丁目エリアのサーベイ (2020/09/18 survey) by tom_konda
神社・喫茶店・島等追加、道路調整、郵便局の情報追記ほか(真鶴町真鶴) by Oos1812
... by liuxinyu970226
tag update by cuetzippo
toilet in Ozenji Kawarun Park by cuetzippo
大和市高座渋谷駅周辺の建物を地理院地図からトレース by tom_konda
Yugyoji: Traced everything. by Daiji Maps
fix public transport by fuk
大和市福田・渋谷エリアのサーベイ (2020/09/19 survey) by tom_konda
Add a Blue Bottle Coffee that opens on 2020/09/23 by k0a8t1o6
Add rental cycle BayBike port by k0a8t1o6
fix public transport by fuk
fix public transport by fuk
fix public transport by fuk
Yugyoji: Fixed details. by Daiji Maps
Yugyoji: Adjusted details. by Daiji Maps
建物のリレーション作成ほか(海老名市国分寺台・浜田町) by Oos1812
Yugyoji: Adjusted details. by Daiji Maps
coastline fixes by Andre68
Yugyoji: Fixed more details. by Daiji Maps
Yugyoji: Adjusted a few things. by Daiji Maps
corrected the building type. by nickcheng
Added a building. by nickcheng
Yugyoji: Changed a monument to a statue. by Daiji Maps
横浜市旭区鶴ヶ峰駅前商店街 周辺編集 #MappyHourJapan by Ryo-a
江田駅周辺を調査 by ffff23
field survey by red_mokuri
Meigetsuin: Clarified the access setting to 総門. by Daiji Maps
