オープンストリートマップ 北海道 2020 年 09 月 09 日の編集記録

buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI ortho Imagery) by mindedie
Repaired relation by VLD077
Sapporo Station east side land-use, road prelim fix by Kovoschiz
Sapporo Station east side land-use, road prelim fix by Kovoschiz
Sapporo Station east side land-use, road prelim fix by Kovoschiz
森林修正(厚岸町) by Hokkosha
別寒辺牛川 河岸追加、流路修正(厚岸町) by Hokkosha
Subway station tags fixed. by Пивун
Subway station tags fixed. by Пивун
highway=track add. by stosh77
猿払村の道路・建物修正 by jyun76
Subway station tags fixed. by Пивун
Add Fire hydrant. by jyun76
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by nakaovic
Correction by whalecone
bridge name add. by stosh77
Шикотан by arramble
Шикотан by arramble
旭川市立知新小学校 by brickbird
RUS:Fixed an issue where the building was crossing the water. # Kaart2020 #Lightcyphers by User1 - Lightcyphers
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI ortho Imagery) by mindedie
西美流渡林道 追加 by きたきつね
