オープンストリートマップ 北海道 2020 年 07 月 28 日の編集記録

森林修正(北見市美里他) by Hokkosha
スポットの追加、修正 (OSM Wiki「JA:住所」、「JA:Naming sample」(お店の場合)を基準に入力しています。)  by HIK95
Created an attraction by モンパパ
building:levels add. by stosh77
猿払村の道路・建物修正 by jyun76
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
Modified the geometry of department store #adt by Colonsay
Improved the geometry of department store #adt by Glatten
Improved the alignment of service way #adt by Glatten
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery; Bing) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery; Bing) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery; Bing) by mindedie
