オープンストリートマップ 北海道 2020 年 06 月 17 日の編集記録

Hokkaido Railway Technical Musuem by Kovoschiz
Hokkaido Railway Technical Musuem, Naebo Workshop by Kovoschiz
道路修正、橋追加(佐呂間町若里他) by Hokkosha
スポットの追加、修正 (OSM Wiki「JA:住所」、「JA:Naming sample」(お店の場合)を基準に入力しています。)  by HIK95
スポットの追加、修正 (OSM Wiki「JA:住所」、「JA:Naming sample」(お店の場合)を基準に入力しています。)  by HIK95
by HIK95
稚内市の道路修正 by jyun76
稚内市の道路修正 by jyun76
用水路を追加・調整 by brickbird
校舎・校庭を追加 by brickbird
校舎・校庭を追加 by brickbird
Aligned the coastline and beach features and removed the pgs tag #adt by Ayerawaddy
Aligned the coastline feature and removed the pgs tag #adt by Ayerawaddy
Improved the alignment of coastline #adt by CartoDog
校舎・校庭を追加 by brickbird
校舎を調整 by brickbird
Improved the alignment of sand feature #adt by Ayerawaddy
Improved the alignment of coastline feature #adt by Ayerawaddy
稚内市の道路修正 by jyun76
Improved the alignment of coastline feature #adt by Ayerawaddy
Aligned the coastline feature and removed the pgs tag #adt by Ayerawaddy
Added and aligned the coastline feature #adt by Ayerawaddy
building:levels add. by stosh77
Added and aligned the coastline feature and removed the pgs tag #adt by Ayerawaddy
Modified the alignment of coastline #adt by TwoMedicine
Added and aligned coastline feature #adt by CartoDog
