オープンストリートマップ 岩手県 2020 年 04 月 30 日の編集記録

Created an attraction by nesta76
Divided large wood area. Deleted layer=-1 tag from water ways. by okadatsuneo
大船渡広田陸前高田線修正 by saito@any
修正 by saito@any
Divided large wood area. by okadatsuneo
陸前高田停車場線修正 by saito@any
長部漁港線修正 by saito@any
修正 by saito@any
雫石東八幡平線修正 by saito@any
Delete & start to redraw all wrong forests in the Kitakami Plain by crisitunity
Iwate fixes by crisitunity
花輪鉱山 by LJcwh4A
松尾鉱山跡 by LJcwh4A
