オープンストリートマップ 北海道 2020 年 04 月 27 日の編集記録

Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Honshu by badenk
Trace from Bing/GSI by FukafukaSeat
building:levels add. by stosh77
スポットの追加、修正 (OSM Wiki「JA:住所」、「JA:Naming sample」(お店の場合)を基準に入力しています。)  by HIK95
スポットの追加、修正 (OSM Wiki「JA:住所」、「JA:Naming sample」(お店の場合)を基準に入力しています。)  by HIK95
豊富町の道路・建物修正 by jyun76
#maproulette 町立木古内小学校を作成 by muramototomoya
#maproulette 町立知内小学校を作成 by muramototomoya
#maproulette 町立湯ノ里小学校を作成 by muramototomoya
苫小牧市の道路・森林を調整 by brickbird
タグを修正 by brickbird
addition,adjustment by sinn156b
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
豊富町の道路・建物修正 by jyun76
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
銭函IC修正(GSImaps基準) by liuxinyu970226
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
... by liuxinyu970226
Fixed the tag by whalecone
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
苫小牧市の森林を調整 by brickbird
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
addition,adjustment by sinn156b
addition,adjustment by sinn156b
Added VOR-DME by sinn156b
addition,adjustment by sinn156b
addition,adjustment by sinn156b
addition,adjustment by sinn156b
Added VOR-DME by sinn156b
addition,adjustment by sinn156b
苫小牧市の道路・河川・森林を調整 by brickbird
#maproulette 市立石別中学校を作成 by muramototomoya
#maproulette 市立石別小学校を作成 by muramototomoya
#maproulette 北海道七飯養護学校おしま学園分校を作成 by muramototomoya
#maproulette 市立亀尾小学校を作成 by muramototomoya
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
#maproulette 市立石崎小学校を作成 by muramototomoya
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
#maproulette 市立磨光小学校を作成 by muramototomoya
#maproulette 市立大船小学校を作成 by muramototomoya
#maproulette 市立臼尻中学校を作成 by muramototomoya
#maproulette 町立大沼中学校を作成 by muramototomoya
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
#maproulette 町立大沼小学校鈴蘭谷分校を作成 by muramototomoya
#maproulette 館小学校を作成 by muramototomoya
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
Corrected points and tags Hokkaido by badenk
#maproulette 市立長和小学校を作成 by muramototomoya
#maproulette 町立滝沢小学校を作成 by muramototomoya
#maproulette 町立河北小学校を作成 by muramototomoya
#maproulette 町立江差小学校を作成 by muramototomoya
#maproulette 北海道江差高等学校を作成 by muramototomoya
#maproulette 町立厚沢部小学校を作成 by muramototomoya
#maproulette 町立江差北中学校を作成 by muramototomoya
#maproulette 町立栄浜小学校を作成 by muramototomoya
新ひだか町の道路を延長・調整 by brickbird
北海道静内農業高等学校を追加 by brickbird
スポットの追加、修正 (OSM Wiki「JA:住所」、「JA:Naming sample」(お店の場合)を基準に入力しています。)  by HIK95
団地 by LJcwh4A
団地 by LJcwh4A
団地 by LJcwh4A
団地 by LJcwh4A
