オープンストリートマップ 東京都 2020 年 04 月 21 日の編集記録

青梅市 小作周辺 by KEITA-jp
青梅市 小作周辺 by KEITA-jp
アパート/マンション・道路追加、解体された建物反映ほか(大田区北馬込・東馬込) by Oos1812
Update brands by Diego Sanguinetti
青梅市 小作周辺 by KEITA-jp
青梅市 小作周辺 by KEITA-jp
青梅市 小作周辺 by KEITA-jp
Subway mofication by MapperNews
青梅市 Landport 青梅Ⅰ by KEITA-jp
青梅市 Landport 青梅 by KEITA-jp
青梅市 Landport 青梅 by KEITA-jp
Minor adjustments by th777
コンビニ位置修正 by orceros
Added roads etc by hazelnut kingdom
Added park by hazelnut kingdom
#hotosm-project-8307 #GALSchool #hotmicrogrants2020 #mapimpacto #covid19 #accenture#acnJapanFY20 by Sun Chengyan
Updated roads, parks etc by hazelnut kingdom
Updated roads, parks etc by hazelnut kingdom
Updated the sports center info. Added a coffee shop by MaxIna
Minor adjustments to roads by th777
店舗更新 by roguish
Minor adjustments to roads and buildings by th777
Minor adjustments to roads and buildings by th777
東京駅前の道路エラーを解消 by muramototomoya
Trace from GSI by FukafukaSeat
何を指すタグなのか不明なので削除 by muramototomoya
Set stop area by Diego Sanguinetti
Set stop area by Diego Sanguinetti
Update brands by Diego Sanguinetti
大泉学園町希望が丘公園 by Mzaki
Set stop area by Diego Sanguinetti
Set stop area by Diego Sanguinetti
Set stop area by Diego Sanguinetti
Set stop area by Diego Sanguinetti
Update brands by Diego Sanguinetti
Update brands by Diego Sanguinetti
Update brands by Diego Sanguinetti
練馬福祉園 by Mzaki
Update brands by Diego Sanguinetti
