オープンストリートマップ 京都府 2020 年 04 月 05 日の編集記録

Add buildings by enu10k
Updates based on satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl
吉祥院石原西町周辺の建物を入力 by Climbers High
知恩寺 案内板、フェンス、通路追加。既存の地物の位置調整 他 by yasunari
知恩寺 案内板、フェンス、通路追加。既存の地物の分割 他 by yasunari
知恩寺 案内板、フェンス、通路、記念碑、墓石追加 他 by yasunari
Updates based on a personal visit today by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on a personal visit today by Jeffrey Friedl
知恩寺 案内板、フェンス、通路、記念碑追加 他 by yasunari
天橋立 茶屋にタグを追加 by yasunari
Correcting a small mistake in the previous update (based on a personal visit today) by Jeffrey Friedl
Correcting a small mistake in the previous update (based on a personal visit today) by Jeffrey Friedl
Correcting a small mistake in the previous update (based on a personal visit today) by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on a personal visit today, and satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl
ここは潰れた by MTNARUTO
Updates based on a personal visit today, and satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl
More cleanup based on a visit today. by Jeffrey Friedl
More cleanup based on a visit today. by Jeffrey Friedl
More cleanup based on a visit today. by Jeffrey Friedl
京都府立植物園周辺の建物、道路などを編集 by K_Sakanoshita
京都市伏見区淀美豆町の凉森神社境内の諸物を追加 by 鵜飼 実幸
