オープンストリートマップ 東京都 2020 年 04 月 01 日の編集記録

道路追加等 by machiro
道路追加等 by machiro
道路追加等 by machiro
道路追加等 by machiro
added interval by Diego Sanguinetti
added interval by Diego Sanguinetti
Update name, added spanish by Diego Sanguinetti
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物消去、追加 bing by futurumspes
小道削除 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
Created stop area and update POI by Diego Sanguinetti
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物消去、追加 bing by futurumspes
道路追加等 by machiro
路地から住宅地区の道路へ変更 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
路地から footway へ変更 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
児童公園修正 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
道路追加等 by machiro
Created stop area and update POI by Diego Sanguinetti
Created stop area and update POI by Diego Sanguinetti
建物追加、団地用地追加、敷地内道路追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加、住宅地区の道路追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
living_street から住宅地区の道路へ変更 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
住宅地区の道路修正、追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
住宅地区から footway へ変更 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
住宅地区の道路修正、追加、一般道修正 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
駐車場追加 GSImaps/ort by futurumspes
小道消去 GSImaps/ort by futurumspes
路地から footway へ変更 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
敷地内道路から住宅地区の道路へ変更 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
住宅地区の道路修正 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
路地から footway へ変更 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
路地から住宅地区の道路へ変更 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
road connection repairs by xkrautsc
road connection repairs by xkrautsc
road connection repairs by xkrautsc
Track information added, Joban Line by flierfy
footway 追加、建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
add tags by tetsu100par
change by tetsu100par
change by tetsu100par
new by tetsu100par
存在しない建物削除 by sinn156b
change by tetsu100par
new by tetsu100par
new by tetsu100par
add tags by tetsu100par
add tags by tetsu100par
add tags by tetsu100par
add tags by tetsu100par
一般道修正、住宅地区の道路修正 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加、住宅地区の道路追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
footway 追加、建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
add tags by tetsu100par
add tags by tetsu100par
new by tetsu100par
new by tetsu100par
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
kamiigusa,suginami,tokyo by ribbon
imagawa,suginami,tokyo by ribbon
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
住宅地区の道路修正 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加、住宅地区の道路追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
add tags by tetsu100par
living_street から住宅地区の道路へ変更 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
add tags by tetsu100par
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
add tags by tetsu100par
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
Updated road widths by hazelnut kingdom
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
living_street から footway へ変更 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物消去、追加 bing by futurumspes
建物追加、住宅地区の道路追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
footway 追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
footway 追加、建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
駐車場追加 GSImaps/ort by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
living_street から住宅地区の道路へ変更 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
住宅地区の道路修正、一般道修正 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
住宅地区の道路修正 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/ort by futurumspes
建物消去、追加 bing by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
footway 追加、建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加、敷地内道路追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
公園追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
団地用地設定 GSImaps/ort by futurumspes
住宅地区の道路修正、一般道修正 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物消去、追加 bing by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物消去、追加 bing by futurumspes
建物消去、追加 bing by futurumspes
東京都立大学 by RKoizumi
東京都立大学 by RKoizumi
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加、住宅地区の道路追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物消去、追加 bing by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
中央郵政研修センターの土地がbuildingになっていたので削除 by Rakkka
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
living_street から住宅地区の道路へ変更 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加、住宅地区の道路追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
駐車場追加 GSImaps/ort by futurumspes
建物消去、追加、駐車場修正 bing by futurumspes
橋梁撤去と暫定歩道等利用開始に伴う変更他 by KAORIN2001
footway 追加、建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
#調布道路整備 #古橋研究室 by MAPconcierge
#調布道路整備 #古橋研究室 by MAPconcierge
#調布道路整備 #古橋研究室 by MAPconcierge
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
#調布道路整備 #古橋研究室 by MAPconcierge
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
#調布道路整備 #古橋研究室 by MAPconcierge
更地追加 bing by futurumspes
建物消去、追加 bing by futurumspes
公園追加 GSImaps/ort by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
路地から住宅地区の道路へ変更 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
路地から footway へ変更 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
Created a company office by haturyuko
建物追加、住宅地区の道路追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
駐車場追加 GSImaps/ort by futurumspes
footway 修正、住宅地区の道路修正 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
住宅地区の道路修正 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
住宅地区の道路から footway へ変更 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
駐車場追加 GSImaps/ort by futurumspes
銀座駅地下の通路の交差を解消 (レイヤーを変更) by maripogoda
建物追加 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
聖路加国際位病院付近の交差エラーを解消 by maripogoda
駐車場消去、追加 GSImaps/ort by futurumspes
建物追加 bing by futurumspes
道路の交差エラーを解消 (交点ノードを追加) by maripogoda
交点ノードを追加、道路の交差エラーを解消 by maripogoda
道路の交差エラーを解消 by maripogoda
白山通り 歩道と横断歩道を追加 by maripogoda
道路追加等 by machiro
道路追加等 by machiro
