オープンストリートマップ 京都府 2020 年 03 月 24 日の編集記録

added details by corrector_91
added details by corrector_91
added English names by corrector_91
upgraded tags by corrector_91
added English names by corrector_91
added details by corrector_91
corrected islands and added names by corrector_91
added details by corrector_91
Updates based on personal knowledge. by Jeffrey Friedl
Minor cleanup based on satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on satellite photos and road data at gsi.jp. by Jeffrey Friedl
area in front of castle has been renovated and the layout has changed. I have made updates and corrrections by corrector_91
added details by corrector_91
added details by corrector_91
Updates based on a personal visit today, road data at gsi.jp, and satellite photos. by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on a personal visit today, road data at gsi.jp, and satellite photos. by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on a personal visit today, road data at gsi.jp, and satellite photos. by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on a personal visit today by Jeffrey Friedl
京都府立植物園周辺の建物、道路などを編集 by K_Sakanoshita
deleted orphan nodes by mapman44
