オープンストリートマップ 長崎県 2020 年 03 月 17 日の編集記録

Fixed multipolygon. Combined fragments of coastline. by okadatsuneo
Adjusted coastline and wood area to GSImaps or aerial images. by okadatsuneo
Adjusted coastline and wood area to GSImaps or aerial images. by okadatsuneo
長崎市椿が丘町周辺の道路、建物、地形をGSImaps/stdにて入力 by ikiya
Divided large wood area. by okadatsuneo
Adjusted coastline and wood area to GSImaps or aerial images. by okadatsuneo
Adjusted coastline and wood area to GSImaps or aerial images. by okadatsuneo
Created a place_of_worship by davidlanang
Created 3 attractions, a bench, and a spring by aveedelman
