オープンストリートマップ 茨城県 2020 年 02 月 03 日の編集記録

茨城 by penguin_the_dawn
Created an attraction, a cafe, and a restaurant by LZorro93
Updating JR Joban route by Diego Sanguinetti
Added "network:metro" tag by Diego Sanguinetti
Updating JR Joban route by Diego Sanguinetti
Update Joban Line by Diego Sanguinetti
Reorder route by Diego Sanguinetti
Updating JR Joban route by Diego Sanguinetti
Added population and merged townhall point of towns and city in Tochigi pref. Fixed place of town to city. by okadatsuneo
Added point of cities of Shimotsuke and Ushiku. (下野市・牛久市のポイント追加) by okadatsuneo
下妻周辺を編集 by 1-0-6-6
