オープンストリートマップ 兵庫県 2020 年 01 月 12 日の編集記録

阪急夙川駅周辺歩道整備 by noda50
夙川駅周辺整備 by noda50
Added farmlands and buildings, fitted ways to GSImaps. by okadatsuneo
update by soprano1125
update by soprano1125
update by soprano1125
市立樫野台小学校周辺の建物を入力 by Climbers High
Added farmlands and buildings, fitted ways to GSImaps. by okadatsuneo
Added POIs. Fitted ways to GSImaps. by okadatsuneo
Added wood areas, dams and buildings. by okadatsuneo
Added residential. by okadatsuneo
Added buildings and school. by okadatsuneo
市立樫野台小学校周辺の建物を入力 by Climbers High
Added buildings and wood areas. by okadatsuneo
Added buildings. by okadatsuneo
... by liuxinyu970226
道路追加 by MasaNak
春日台四丁目周辺の建物を入力 by Climbers High
OSM Inspector:三重県〜愛知県を中心に未接続道路修正 by yumean1119
