オープンストリートマップ 京都府 2019 年 10 月 28 日の編集記録

与謝野町のちりめん街道沿い井筒屋前の樹木を追加 by taki3hira
Updates based on road data at gsi.jp, satellite photos, and personal knowledge by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on road data at gsi.jp, satellite photos, and personal knowledge by Jeffrey Friedl
Add buildings by enu10k
Add buildings by enu10k
Add buildings by enu10k
Add buildings by enu10k
Add buildings by enu10k
Add buildings by enu10k
Add point by enu10k
Add buildings by enu10k
Updates based on personal knowledge by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on personal knowledge by Jeffrey Friedl
I added a land use feature by I__diaz
Re-tracing: I deleted some building in the process of retracing them using "Japan GSI Standard Map" Instead of "Bing". by I__diaz
Re-tracing: I deleted some building in the process of retracing them using "Japan GSI Standard Map" Instead of "Bing". by I__diaz
Re-tracing: I deleted some building in the process of retracing them using "Japan GSI Standard Map" Instead of "Bing". by I__diaz
Re-tracing: I deleted some building in the process of retracing them using "Japan GSI Standard Map" Instead of "Bing". by I__diaz
Add point by enu10k
Add buildings by enu10k
旧加悦町役場そばの電話ボックス・ポスト追加 by Tgogogo
