オープンストリートマップ 神奈川県 2019 年 10 月 23 日の編集記録

suveyにより土手追加 by hm2016
suveyによりtrackをpathに訂正 by hm2016
建物・店舗・駐車場・道路等追加、情報追記(海老名市中央・国分南) by Oos1812
Edited houses ,roads & landuse based on GSI(NARO) by Kohki Hiraga
山本海苔店 秦野工場を追加 by firekong
日興電機工業周辺を編集 by firekong
Building Mapping in Sagamihara #hotosm-project-6981 #TyphoonHagibis #CrisisMappersJAPAN #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #Sagamihara mapped buildings mapped missed buildings in empty places by Frans S
Building Mapping in Sagamihara #hotosm-project-6981 #TyphoonHagibis #CrisisMappersJAPAN #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #Sagamihara mapped buildings mapped missed buildings in empty places squared buildings by Frans S
Building Mapping in Sagamihara #hotosm-project-6981 #TyphoonHagibis #CrisisMappersJAPAN #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #Sagamihara mapped buildings mapped missed buildings in empty places squared buildings by Frans S
コーディングの修正 by Kkairri
Building Mapping in Sagamihara #hotosm-project-6981 #TyphoonHagibis #CrisisMappersJAPAN #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #Sagamihara mapped buildings mapped missed buildings in empty places s by Frans S
Building Mapping in Sagamihara #hotosm-project-6981 #TyphoonHagibis #CrisisMappersJAPAN #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #Sagamihara solved issues by Frans S
Building Mapping in Sagamihara #hotosm-project-6981 #TyphoonHagibis #CrisisMappersJAPAN #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #Sagamihara Mapped buildings by Frans S
Building Mapping in Sagamihara #hotosm-project-6981 #TyphoonHagibis #CrisisMappersJAPAN #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #Sagamihara Mapped buildings by Frans S
Building Mapping in Sagamihara #hotosm-project-6981 #TyphoonHagibis #CrisisMappersJAPAN #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #Sagamihara Mapped buildings by Frans S
Building Mapping in Sagamihara #hotosm-project-6981 #TyphoonHagibis #CrisisMappersJAPAN #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #Sagamihara Mapped buildings by Frans S
リレーション河川 道志川 整理 by Triglav2018
リレーション河川 道志川 整理 by Triglav2018
リレーション河川 道志川 整理 by Triglav2018
Building Mapping in Sagamihara #hotosm-project-6981 #TyphoonHagibis #CrisisMappersJAPAN #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #Sagamihara Mapped and squared buildings by Frans S
Building Mapping in Sagamihara #hotosm-project-6981 #TyphoonHagibis #CrisisMappersJAPAN #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #Sagamihara Mapped and squared buildings by Frans S
suveyにより遊水地の擁壁追加 by hm2016
Building Mapping in Sagamihara #hotosm-project-6981 #TyphoonHagibis #CrisisMappersJAPAN #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #Sagamihara Mapped and squared buildings by Frans S
Building Mapping in Sagamihara #hotosm-project-6981 #TyphoonHagibis #CrisisMappersJAPAN #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #Sagamihara Mapped and squared buildings by Frans S
Building Mapping in Sagamihara #hotosm-project-6981 #TyphoonHagibis #CrisisMappersJAPAN #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #Sagamihara squared buildings by Frans S
Building Mapping in Sagamihara #hotosm-project-6981 #TyphoonHagibis #CrisisMappersJAPAN #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #Sagamihara squared buildings by Frans S
Building Mapping in Sagamihara #hotosm-project-6981 #TyphoonHagibis #CrisisMappersJAPAN #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #Sagamihara solved issues by Frans S
商業地区を描きました。 by pukkun
motorway_link by zyxzyx
motorway_link by zyxzyx
motorway_link by zyxzyx
motorway_link by zyxzyx
add wikidata tag by higa4
Building Mapping in Sagamihara #hotosm-project-6981 #TyphoonHagibis #CrisisMappersJAPAN #FuruhashiLab #DRONEBIRD #Sagamihara solved issues removed duplicated entrees by Frans S
add wikidata tag by higa4
情報の追加 by Arain55
情報の追加 by Arain55
情報の追加 by Arain55
情報の追加 by Arain55
情報の追加 by Arain55
情報の追加 by Arain55
情報の追加 by Arain55
