オープンストリートマップ 茨城県 2019 年 10 月 16 日の編集記録

repair of construction around tonegawa after cycling survey by javbw
境特別支援学校 by javbw
いわき市内公民館施設の追加 by jun_meguro
Add highways and buildings by higa4
Updated a company office and a government office by ttttnnnnn
Add highways and buildings by higa4
Add highways and buildings by higa4
Add park by ren9uta
Add park by ren9uta
farmland reapir by javbw
address:full -> addr:full, postal_code-> addr:postcode by mueschel
OSM Inspector: 千葉県中心に自己交差修正および重複ウエイ削除 by yumean1119
road station repair by javbw
