オープンストリートマップ 福島県 2019 年 10 月 12 日の編集記録

栗生沢 by jun_meguro
change address:full to addr:full or divide to addr:% tag if possible by user_5359
change address:full to addr:full or divide to addr:% tag if possible by user_5359
栗生沢 by jun_meguro
change address:full to addr:full or divide to addr:% tag if possible by user_5359
change address:full to addr:full or divide to addr:% tag if possible by user_5359
change address:full to addr:full or divide to addr:% tag if possible by user_5359
change address:full to addr:full or divide to addr:% tag if possible by user_5359
change address:full to addr:full or divide to addr:% tag if possible by user_5359
change address:full to addr:full or divide to addr:% tag if possible by user_5359
change address:full to addr:full or divide to addr:% tag if possible by user_5359
change address:full to addr:full or divide to addr:% tag if possible by user_5359
change address:full to addr:full or divide to addr:% tag if possible by user_5359
change address:full to addr:full or divide to addr:% tag if possible by user_5359
change address:full to addr:full or divide to addr:% tag if possible by user_5359
change address:full to addr:full or divide to addr:% tag if possible by user_5359
道の修正 by Ichika
道の修正 by Ichika
夜ノ森駅をwiki記載のルールに合うよう修正 by mds878
長崎市西側 by jun_meguro
