オープンストリートマップ 北海道 2019 年 10 月 11 日の編集記録

Created a restaurant by Lavichka
Created a convenience shop by Lavichka
風蓮湖水涯線修正(根室市湖南) by Hokkosha
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
Created a fuel, a pharmacy, and a viewpoint by Luegschmoluftercharte
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
Updated 2 buildings by jyun76
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
building:levels add. by stosh77
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
amenity=telephone add. by stosh77
Created 2 viewpoints and a fuel by Luegschmoluftercharte
