オープンストリートマップ 北海道 2019 年 09 月 25 日の編集記録

字名追加(根室市西浜町) by Hokkosha
building:levels add. by stosh77
Updated 2 buildings and a retail building by jyun76
Updated a building by jyun76
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
競合した修正に伴い、不要となったノードを削除 by etajin
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
栗山町_道路修正 by jyun76
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
栗山町_道路修正 by jyun76
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
建物の追加 by HIT-mapper
Adjustment of parking situation and hiking tracks around small lake by elevatingway
building add.(小樽市長橋4丁目) by stosh77
