オープンストリートマップ 静岡県 2019 年 07 月 27 日の編集記録

add buildings by Y_Suzuki
add buildings by Y_Suzuki
add buildings by Y_Suzuki
add buildings by Y_Suzuki
add buildings by Y_Suzuki
add buildings by Y_Suzuki
add buildings by Y_Suzuki
Upgraded tags, connected sidewalks, and various other improvements around Japan. by maxolasersquad
「土用の丑の日」なので、浜名湖周辺の鰻屋を追加。 by Mappin/g -e s Jack Flash
minor repairs after cycling. aligned to GSI ortho by javbw
建物の追加・更新 by 下り専門
建物、道路、森林の追加・修正。九領川を修正。秋葉山常夜灯、石碑などを追加。 by Mappin/g -e s Jack Flash
建物、POI、道路の追加・更新 by 下り専門
multiple fixes (intersecting highways; missing layer; roof:shape; overlapping landuse...) by pyram
fix roof:shape by pyram
fix roof:shape by pyram
fix roof:shape by pyram
