オープンストリートマップ 神奈川県 2019 年 06 月 29 日の編集記録

武蔵中原 by さすらいのマッパー
Add trees by wdolphin
既存道路の追加と修正 by KAORIN2001
既存道路の追加と修正 by KAORIN2001
衛星写真をもとに造成された宅地を追加 by s_watanabe
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
厚木市森の里東土地区画整理事業図面をもとに建設中道路を入力 by s_watanabe
大井町大井中央地区計画図面をもとに住宅道路を、大井町都市計画図をもとに都市計画道路を入力 by s_watanabe
都市計画道路接続位置の修正 by s_watanabe
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
motorway by zyxzyx
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Merged several residential polygons by thomaps-jp
Merged several residential polygons by thomaps-jp
厚木周辺を編集 by Kkairri
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
県道708号秦野大井線の付替え by s_watanabe
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Merged several residential polygons by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Translated neighbourhood names by thomaps-jp
Translated neighbourhood names by thomaps-jp
Translated neighbourhood names by thomaps-jp
Translated bus stop names by thomaps-jp
湘南森林霊園を追加 by s_watanabe
横断歩道追加、バス停・店舗等のタグ更新ほか(海老名市柏ケ谷・綾瀬市小園・寺尾台・寺尾北) by Oos1812
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Merged several residential polygons by thomaps-jp
Merged several residential polygons by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Merged several residential polygons by thomaps-jp
motorway by zyxzyx
motorway by zyxzyx
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Merged several residential polygons by thomaps-jp
