オープンストリートマップ 京都府 2019 年 06 月 23 日の編集記録

光明寺の灯籠を追加しました。 by HikaruKinkakuji
Add station for interchaning between two subway lines by Diego Sanguinetti
Wikipedia data by Diego Sanguinetti
Created 3 clinics, 2 restaurants, and 6 other objects by K_Sakanoshita
Created a clinic, a hairdresser shop, and an internet_cafe by K_Sakanoshita
Created a beauty shop, a bicycle shop, and 2 other objects by K_Sakanoshita
Created a dry_cleaning shop by K_Sakanoshita
Deleting 137 orphan nodes by mapman44
Created a bar by K_Sakanoshita
Updates based on road data from gsi.jp, and satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl
Created a restaurant by K_Sakanoshita
Created an atm and a cafe by K_Sakanoshita
Created a confectionery shop by K_Sakanoshita
御所の生け垣を追加しました。 by hiroyukisadamori
御所の壁を追加しました。 by hiroyukisadamori
宗像神社の樹木などを入力 by みちはな
閑院宮跡の池の形と島の形、位置を変更 by irisels
御所の庭園を追加しました。 by hiroyukisadamori
京都御所の間ノ町門の案内版の入力 by みちはな
御所の庭園を追加しました。 by hiroyukisadamori
閑閑院の池付近の樹木を編集 by irisels
宗像神社の桜を修正 by K_Sakanoshita
Oddly, and uniquely in this area, Gokomachi is a two-way street for the first block south of Oike. Verified in person today. by Jeffrey Friedl
宗像神社の境内の灯籠を修正 by Climbers High
ビル名を追加しました。 by hiroyukisadamori
