オープンストリートマップ 神奈川県 2019 年 06 月 05 日の編集記録

厚木市の道路と中原区の建物等を編集 by Kkairri
Add trees by wdolphin
Add trees by wdolphin
道路名 by Kei-31
道路名 by Kei-31
added tags and adjusted location sites. by wdolphin
added tags and adjusted location sites. by wdolphin
added tags and adjusted location sites. by wdolphin
added tags and adjusted location sites. by wdolphin
adjusted object sites. by wdolphin
Added and modified buildings by mapper2845
adjusted object sites. by wdolphin
adjusted object sites. by wdolphin
[Yamate] - Steps corrected by osm-sputnik
Added various buildings, fixed addresses, transformed nodes into ways... by mapper2845
建物・店舗の情報追記、横断歩道のタグ更新ほか(海老名市中央)source=survey by Oos1812
廃業情報更新 by トミー06
歩道追加・調整ほか(海老名市中央) by Oos1812
Created a restaurant by Shogo0304
fixing issues on midorigaoka by Yoqtan
厚木市の道路の制限速度を中心に整備 by Kkairri
建物 by Kei-31
