オープンストリートマップ 滋賀県 2019 年 06 月 03 日の編集記録

Updates based on road data from gsi.jp, and satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on road data from gsi.jp, and satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on road data from gsi.jp, and satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on road data from gsi.jp, and satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on road data from gsi.jp, and satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on road data from gsi.jp, and satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on road data from gsi.jp, and satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on road data from gsi.jp, and satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl
追加 by caras555
追加 by caras555
追加 by caras555
野洲川と杣川の合流地点付近を修正 by horisyu
宇川中小企業団地付近を修正 by horisyu
水口中学校付近を修正 by horisyu
屋型追加 by ひらぽん
Created a bench by Franck Ohlala
三雲駅周辺道路を修正 by horisyu
