オープンストリートマップ 静岡県 2019 年 05 月 08 日の編集記録

Added missing type of relation and type of boundary by FvGordon
裾野市石脇地物作成 by Megane-Man-Yosh
Add tags of roof:colour by Kohki Hiraga
Edited lands,houses & roads based on GSI by Kohki Hiraga
Edited lands,houses & roads based on GSI by Kohki Hiraga
Edited lands,houses & roads based on GSI by Kohki Hiraga
Edited lands,houses & roads based on GSI by Kohki Hiraga
Add tags of roof:colour by Kohki Hiraga
Add tags of roof:colour by Kohki Hiraga
裾野市石脇地物作成 by Megane-Man-Yosh
Add tags of roof:colour by Kohki Hiraga
Edited lands,houses & roads based on GSI by Kohki Hiraga
Add tags of roof:colour by Kohki Hiraga
航空写真および現地調査に基づき地物追加・修正 by (yo)
Add tags of roof:colour by Kohki Hiraga
裾野市石脇地物作成 by Megane-Man-Yosh
裾野市石脇地物作成 by Megane-Man-Yosh
POIの更新、周辺の調整 by 下り専門
Edited lands,houses & roads based on GSI by Kohki Hiraga
POIの更新、周辺の調整 by 下り専門
Edited lands,houses & roads based on GSI by Kohki Hiraga
POIの追加、周辺の調整 by 下り専門
Add tags of roof:colour by Kohki Hiraga
菊川運動公園の修正 by Kuboshi
Add tags of roof:colour by Kohki Hiraga
和田公園の修正 by Kuboshi
和田公園周辺の人工林・農地の修正 by Kuboshi
道路と建物の追加・修正。浜名湖の湖岸線を修正し、マリーナを追加。畑も追加。 by Mappin/g -e s Jack Flash
Add tags of roof:colour by Kohki Hiraga
変更セット: 69939703 をリバート。(誤って削除された建物を復元。) by Mappin/g -e s Jack Flash
菊川運動公園の修正 by Kuboshi
Add tags of roof:colour by Kohki Hiraga
Edited land & loads based on kakegawa ortho by Kohki Hiraga
Edited land & loads based on kakegawa ortho by Kohki Hiraga
Add tags of roof:colour by Kohki Hiraga
Add tags of roof:colour by Kohki Hiraga
