オープンストリートマップ 静岡県 2019 年 04 月 28 日の編集記録

Add tags of roof:colour by Kohki Hiraga
各所追加修正 by yasOSM
Add tags of roof:colour by Kohki Hiraga
Add tags of roof:colour by Kohki Hiraga
三島市の店舗情報の修正 by Shunji UNO
Add tags of roof:colour by Kohki Hiraga
POIの追加、建物の更新 by 下り専門
Edited lands,houses & roads based on GSI by Kohki Hiraga
Edited lands,houses & roads based on GSI by Kohki Hiraga
Edited lands,houses & roads based on GSI by Kohki Hiraga
'name' by mueschel
Edited lands,houses & roads based on GSI by Kohki Hiraga
Edited lands,houses & roads based on GSI by Kohki Hiraga
-> colour by mueschel
'roof:shape' by mueschel
Edited lands,houses & roads based on GSI by Kohki Hiraga
三島市大場川沿いの遊歩道の追加・修正 by Shunji UNO
三島市の店舗情報の追加 by Shunji UNO
Edited lands,houses & roads based on GSI by Kohki Hiraga
道路、森林、農地、建物、池の追加・修正。 by Mappin/g -e s Jack Flash
店舗情報変更時のタグ削除忘れの修正 by Shunji UNO
Edited lands,houses & roads based on GSI by Kohki Hiraga
