オープンストリートマップ 兵庫県 2019 年 04 月 24 日の編集記録

尼崎城址公園の郵便ポストを追加 by openamap
基盤地図情報2500、または、地理院地図にて追加。 by Eris-club
つつじヶ丘二丁目の建物を入力、道路を修正しました。 by Climbers High
つつじヶ丘の丁目を入力しました。 by Climbers High
行政境界を修正 by etajin
つつじヶ丘三丁目の建物を入力しました。 by Climbers High
fixed intersection of lines by Leosi
fixed intersection of lines by Leosi
fixed intersection of lines by Leosi
fixed intersection of lines by Leosi
fixed intersection of lines by Leosi
fixed intersection of lines by Leosi
fixed intersection of lines by Leosi
fixed intersection of lines by Leosi
fixed intersection of lines by Leosi
pedestrian crossing by Leosi
fixed intersection of lines by Leosi
fixed intersection of lines by Leosi
fixed intersection of lines by Leosi
fixed intersection of lines by Leosi
fixed intersection of lines by Leosi
Takenogawa by gaku
corrected dragged node by Alex-a
六甲山周辺に建物・道路などを追加 by Rakkka
