オープンストリートマップ 神奈川県 2019 年 02 月 03 日の編集記録

Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by Yoshihiro Awazu
Adding comment by thomaps-jp
Adding comment by thomaps-jp
Correcting errors by thomaps-jp
消火栓、公衆電話、給水塔を追加 by Hidekichi
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
surveyによりtennisコート追加等 by hm2016
住宅の階数設定(海老名市国分寺台)source=survey by Oos1812
surveyにより通信塔追加 by hm2016
surveyにより地図追加 by hm2016
surveyによりアパート名追加 by hm2016
Tracing new buildings by thomaps-jp
Adding detail of my 'hood by Half-Fast Mike JP
Add road surfaces by osm-sputnik
Align elements on Kiban by thomaps-jp
