オープンストリートマップ 静岡県 2019 年 02 月 02 日の編集記録

河川の描画 by 8dirfriend
Edit house & land use by Kohki Hiraga
河川の描画 by 8dirfriend
河川の描画 by 8dirfriend
河川の描画 by 8dirfriend
河川の描画 by 8dirfriend
Edit house & land use by Kohki Hiraga
河川の描画 by 8dirfriend
Edit house & land use by Kohki Hiraga
河川の描画 by 8dirfriend
河川の描画 by 8dirfriend
Edit house & land use by Kohki Hiraga
Edit house & land use by Kohki Hiraga
edit houses with tags for building. by Kohki Hiraga
Add tags for tree (Cherry) by Kohki Hiraga
Add tags for tree (Cherry) by Kohki Hiraga
Add tags for tree (Cherry) by Kohki Hiraga
Add tags for tree (Cherry) by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses & Land-use(Additional editing) by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses & Land-use(Additional editing) by Kohki Hiraga
POI、建物・農地の追加と精度向上 by 下り専門
Traced houses & Land-use(Additional editing) by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses & Land-use(Additional editing) by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses & Land-use(Additional editing) by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses & Land-use(Additional editing) by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses & Land-use(Additional editing) by Kohki Hiraga
edit houses with tags for building. by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses & Land-use(Additional editing) by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses & Land-use(Additional editing) by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses & Land-use(Additional editing) by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses & Land-use(Additional editing) by Kohki Hiraga
公園・建物・農地の追加と精度向上 by 下り専門
Traced houses & Land-use(Additional editing) by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses & Land-use(Additional editing) by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses & Land-use(Additional editing) by Kohki Hiraga
Change a tag by Kohki Hiraga
現地調査により、情報の追加 by noto0648
住所とURLを登録 by NOGIBUS46
住所とURLを登録 by NOGIBUS46
住所とURLを登録 by NOGIBUS46
住所とURLを登録 by NOGIBUS46
Edit house & land use by Kohki Hiraga
公園・建物・農地の追加と精度向上 by 下り専門
河川の描画 by 8dirfriend
河川の描画 by 8dirfriend
河川の描画 by 8dirfriend
河川・建物・農地の追加と精度向上 by 下り専門
edit houses with tags for building. by Kohki Hiraga
edit houses with tags for building. by Kohki Hiraga
edit houses with tags for building. by Kohki Hiraga
edit houses with tags for building. by Kohki Hiraga
edit houses with tags for building. by Kohki Hiraga
edit houses with tags for building. by Kohki Hiraga
edit houses with tags for building. by Kohki Hiraga
edit houses with tags for building. by Kohki Hiraga
edit houses with tags for building. by Kohki Hiraga
edit houses with tags for building. by Kohki Hiraga
edit houses with tags for building. by Kohki Hiraga
Edit house & land use by Kohki Hiraga
Edit house & land use by Kohki Hiraga
Edit house & land use by Kohki Hiraga
Edit house & land use by Kohki Hiraga
浜名湖ガーデンパーク: 森林、池、パーゴラを追加。 by Mappin/g -e s Jack Flash
Edit house & land use by Kohki Hiraga
Edit house & land use by Kohki Hiraga
Edit house & land use by Kohki Hiraga
POIの修正@静岡市 by masahiko6051
POIの修正、地物の追加@静岡市 by masahiko6051
Edit house & land use by Kohki Hiraga
Edit house & land use by Kohki Hiraga
地物の追加@静岡市 by masahiko6051
Edit house & land use by Kohki Hiraga
Edit house & land use by Kohki Hiraga
Edit house & land use by Kohki Hiraga
Add tags for tree (Cherry) by Kohki Hiraga
