オープンストリートマップ 神奈川県 2019 年 02 月 02 日の編集記録

横浜市営バス6系統の重複を修正 by zakkyy3
へんこう by ぜろ8350
Tracing new buildings by thomaps-jp
Tracing new buildings by thomaps-jp
道路追加等 by machiro
歩道・横断歩道等調整(綾瀬市早川・綾西) by Oos1812
Tracing new buildings by thomaps-jp
大和市桜丘小学校南側にある横断歩道に信号の追加 by tom_konda
道路追加等 by machiro
公園の名称修正、学校の情報追記、横断歩道・消火栓追加ほか(綾瀬市早川・綾西) by Oos1812
横断歩道・街路灯・防火水槽・消火栓・自動販売機等追加(厚木市泉町・幸町)source=survey by Oos1812
樹木・街路灯・遊具・階段・一時停止等追加(厚木市幸町・厚木)source=survey by Oos1812
樹木・街路灯・横断歩道・消火栓・自動販売機・ポスト等追加(厚木市幸町・旭町・泉町)source=survey by Oos1812
現地確認とレシート情報からレストランの追加 by tom_konda
現地確認とレシート情報から店舗情報の追加 by tom_konda
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
歩道・横断歩道等追加・調整ほか(厚木市) by Oos1812
