オープンストリートマップ 東京都 2019 年 01 月 22 日の編集記録

上野広小路付近に新設された文京区のシェアサイクルのポートを追加 by maripogoda
上野松坂屋脇の路地 飲食店など追加、建物住所・属性記入 by maripogoda
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Created an attraction, a fast_food, and 2 other objects; Updated a fast_food by Jbbbbb
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
東京都練馬区春日町 練馬春日町駅周辺 修正 by Ryo-a
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
薬局 by gay8wgifiygfba
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
薬局 by gay8wgifiygfba
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
渋谷区役所移転 by sakeski
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
渋谷駅東口エリア通路修正 by sakeski
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
東京都福生市 へ集 by txma25918
東京都三鷹市 編集 by txma25918
神楽坂 by nihombashi19
motorway by zyxzyx
東児童館の位置を修正 by messi1230
青果店脇の飲料自動販売機を記入 by KOIZUMI Satoru
王子周辺を編集 by 1-0-6-6
旧古河庭園 花壇の形状修正、通路修正 by yasunari
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
旧古河庭園 フェンス追加、階段追加 等 by yasunari
旧古河庭園 自販機にタグ追加 by yasunari
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by dqn
Fix typos and misspellings by thetornado76
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
霊園02の一部修正 by KOIZUMI Satoru
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
