オープンストリートマップ 神奈川県 2019 年 01 月 19 日の編集記録

Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
Spanish names (to facilitate orientation in the Tokyo Metro) + Design of platforms and subway entrances for better instruction. by Diego Sanguinetti
建物追加 by U20
野島公園の津波避難施設を更新。タグを変更、位置と形状を詳細化。 by ura68k
金沢八景公園に津波避難施設を追加。ほか公園の形状や施設などを追加・修正。 by ura68k
Fix old-style multipolygons by sebastic
百合ヶ丘駅周辺 by U20
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
学校の情報追記(愛甲郡愛川町) by Oos1812
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
東急バス 鷺12 by U20
Adding Hotel "Forest Gora Onsen" by Mickael Blat
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
大和市八幡橋東交差点付近の修正 by tom_konda
バス停情報更新、店舗追加(綾瀬市早川・海老名市中央)source=survey by Oos1812
大和市宮久保橋交差点付近の修正 by tom_konda
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
専修大学関係 by RKoizumi
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
