オープンストリートマップ 千葉県 2019 年 01 月 18 日の編集記録

Sankyo Frontier Kashiwa Stadium --> Leisure informations transfered to outer bounds + Wikidata/Wikipedia by zaizone
町名をWikipediaにリンク(千葉市中央区栄町・富士見・中央) by Oos1812
ZOZO Marine Stadium --> Leisure informations transfered to outer bounds + Wikidata/Wikipedia by zaizone
Official ref is a number for administrative use. But ref is a letter and it are used to identify internationally (and keep consistency with the reference code of the subway stations.). by Diego Sanguinetti
Add highways and buildings by higa4
公園追加 by hanabiman
バス停・神社・消火栓・歩道・横断歩道等追加、水路の暗渠部分を反映(君津市糠田・塚原) by Oos1812
市川市南部:建物の階数を追加 by ichikawonder
'operator:en' by mueschel
