オープンストリートマップ 神奈川県 2019 年 01 月 14 日の編集記録

神奈川県藤沢市遠藤の修正 by 嵯峨亮人
Update based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
神奈川県藤沢市遠藤の弁慶果樹園追加 by 嵯峨亮人
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
道路追加等 by machiro
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Update addresses by totodemetz
Entry based on JP Kiban by totodemetz
Edit status of shop by totodemetz
Added bus stop by totodemetz
神奈川県藤沢市遠藤の修正 by 嵯峨亮人
住宅地道路の追加 by Puchiyawa
motorway_link by zyxzyx
新丸子 by さすらいのマッパー
motorway_link by zyxzyx
住宅地道路の追加 by Puchiyawa
神奈川県藤沢市遠藤の北部自治会館追加 by 嵯峨亮人
大和市上和田団地入口交差点付近の道路位置の修正 by tom_konda
横須賀岩戸の配水タンク(?)作成 by muramototomoya
横須賀リサーチセンターのlanduseを作成 by muramototomoya
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
編集 by popbox
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
中央自動車道 +wikidata by Triglav2018
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
住宅地道路の追加 by Puchiyawa
住宅地道路の追加 by Puchiyawa
住宅地道路の追加 by Puchiyawa
住宅地道路の追加 by Puchiyawa
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
住宅地道路の追加 by Puchiyawa
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
住宅地道路の追加 by Puchiyawa
防火水槽の追加 by Puchiyawa
住宅地道路の追加 by Puchiyawa
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
住宅地道路の追加 by Puchiyawa
nameを追加した by hm2016
住宅地道路の追加 by Puchiyawa
gisにより建物追加 by hm2016
gisにより道路微修正 by hm2016
神社の追加 by Puchiyawa
位置ずれの修正など by Puchiyawa
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
大和市上和田団地入口交差点付近の修正 by tom_konda
Ground verification by thomaps-jp
gisにより道路微修正 by hm2016
Ground verification by thomaps-jp
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
区画修正 by NyanX
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
住宅その他詳細の記載 by NyanX
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
横断歩道修正 by NyanX
gisにより道路等追加 by hm2016
Rectanglification by thomaps-jp
Rectanglification by thomaps-jp
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
Rectanglification by thomaps-jp
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
Rectanglification by thomaps-jp
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
surveyにより地域防災地図追加 by hm2016
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
surveyにより擁壁等追加 by hm2016
surveyにより地域防災地図追加 by hm2016
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
survey,DigitalGlobeにより街路樹追加 by hm2016
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
surveyにより車止め追加 by hm2016
Aligned roads by thomaps-jp
riverbank微修正 by hm2016
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
Deleted unuseful "residential area" contour by thomaps-jp
住宅地道路の追加 by Puchiyawa
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
surveyにより車止め追加 by hm2016
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
道路追加等 by machiro
スーパーの追加 by Puchiyawa
道路追加等 by machiro
道路追加等 by machiro
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
Graphical edition session of my neighbourhood by thomaps-jp
駐車場微修正 by hm2016
Correct road category by thomaps-jp
小道の追加、位置ずれ修正 by Puchiyawa
薬局の追加 by Puchiyawa
小道の追加、位置ずれ修正 by Puchiyawa
道路の幅修正 by Puchiyawa
矢野口近辺修正 by さすらいのマッパー
住宅地道路の追加 by Puchiyawa
大松原第五児童遊園内部・周辺の編集(海老名市国分北) by Oos1812
道路の種類修正 by Puchiyawa
