オープンストリートマップ 東京都 2018 年 12 月 18 日の編集記録

取り壊しによる削除 by keigo-ossan
Updated 2 buildings by Chapa25
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by Issei Watanabe
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by Issei Watanabe
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by Issei Watanabe
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by Issei Watanabe
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by Issei Watanabe
Updated a convenience shop by Koji Nakanishi
Updated a restaurant by Koji Nakanishi
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by Issei Watanabe
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by Issei Watanabe
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by Issei Watanabe
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by Issei Watanabe
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by Issei Watanabe
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by Issei Watanabe
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by Issei Watanabe
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by Issei Watanabe
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by Issei Watanabe
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by Issei Watanabe
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by Issei Watanabe
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by Issei Watanabe
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by Issei Watanabe
GSI,surveyにより公園修正 by hm2016
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by Issei Watanabe
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by Issei Watanabe
ゲートを車止めに訂正 by hm2016
Add restaurant by Casual Mapper
Update building and park details by Casual Mapper
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by MAPconcierge
お茶の水大学キャンパスマッピング by MAPconcierge
Spanish names by Diego Sanguinetti
お茶の水女子大学キャンパスマッピング by MAPconcierge
お茶の水女子大学キャンパスマッピング by aocha
お茶の水女子大学キャンパスマッピング by MAPconcierge
店舗を追加しました by Ohara Kazuto
お茶の水女子大学キャンパスマッピング by MAPconcierge
お茶の水女子大学キャンパスマッピング by MAPconcierge
お茶の水女子大学キャンパスマッピング by aocha
お茶の水女子大学キャンパスマッピング by aocha
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
境界の修正をしました。 by shirodanna
境界の修正をしました。 by shirodanna
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
surveyによりname追加 by hm2016
surveyによりname追加 by hm2016
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
GSI,surveyにより遊水地追加 by hm2016
初編集。 by K@Baba
surveyにより遊水地追加 by hm2016
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
surveyにより公園追加 by hm2016
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
surveyによりトイレ追加 by hm2016
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
surveyにより公園追加 by hm2016
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
近代美術館内にある喫茶店です。地元の素材を使ったランチと季節のケーキがおすすめです。 by 清水美那
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
早稲田周辺で建物入力 by KayoFu
早稲田周辺の建物入力 by MAPconcierge
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
早稲田近くの中華を追加しました。1F by yukari@
ローソンの建物入力 by 828manatee
ビル名を編集 by wassupmuscle
Changed some items to right locations. by utakokana
早稲田周辺の建物入力 by MAPconcierge
早稲田周辺で建物入力 by KayoFu
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
#teachosm-project-797 #furuhashilab #komaecity by shuntaro-
Created a restaurant by MapQuestSolutions LLC
千川周辺を編集 by 1-0-6-6
大田区山王一丁目、品川区大井七丁目の建物を記入 by kawah64
大田区山王一丁目、品川区大井七丁目の建物を記入 by kawah64
translate tags by mueschel
trans by mueschel
東京駅丸の内駅舎の英語名の打ち損じを修正。 by ririri (Nagaoka)
'payment:WAON' by mueschel
Update around Edogawa (Tokyo) by mova55
霞ヶ丘住宅バス停近くの公衆電話(電話ボックス)を記入 by KOIZUMI Satoru
バス停の名前の誤りを修正 by KOIZUMI Satoru
バス停の名前を修正 by KOIZUMI Satoru
Update around Edogawa (Tokyo) by mova55
品川区役所入口バス停を編集しました。 by 596
Update around Edogawa (Tokyo) by mova55
Saizeriya by JaLooNz
