オープンストリートマップ 北海道 2018 年 11 月 19 日の編集記録

R334知床国道Bingで再トレース(大空町東藻琴-小清水町) by Hokko-sha
power lines and relations by bahnpirat
power lines and relations by bahnpirat
#hotosm-project-5220 #JapanEarthquakeSept2018 Adding buildings #CrisisMapping by marco443
#hotosm-project-5220 #JapanEarthquakeSept2018 Adding buildings #CrisisMapping by marco443
power lines and relations by bahnpirat
power lines and relations by bahnpirat
type by Triglav2018
スポットの追加、修正 (OSM Wiki「JA:住所」、「JA:Naming sample」(お店の場合)を基準に入力しています。)  by HIK95
道の調整 by HIK95
Road Name Add.(北広島市) by stosh77
進行方向つきの車線.(小樽市勝納町) by stosh77
update by reyer_ak
Bridge Name Add. by stosh77
type by Triglav2018
type by Triglav2018
+type by Triglav2018
type by Triglav2018
type by Triglav2018
type by Triglav2018
type by Triglav2018
#hotosm-project-5220 #JapanEarthquakeSept2018 Adding buildings #CrisisMapping by Malika Hemani
JR音別駅 構内支線、貨物線、駅舎等 by Hokko-sha
