オープンストリートマップ 愛知県 2018 年 07 月 28 日の編集記録

Created 2 convenience shops and a bus_stop by toto_
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 YahooJapan/ALPSMAP、bing by futurumspes
道路修正 YahooJapan/ALPSMAP、bing by futurumspes
道路修正 YahooJapan/ALPSMAP、bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 YahooJapan/ALPSMAP、bing by futurumspes
道路修正 YahooJapan/ALPSMAP、bing by futurumspes
道路修正 YahooJapan/ALPSMAP、bing by futurumspes
道路修正 YahooJapan/ALPSMAP、bing、GSI/KIBAN 2500 by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 GSI/KIBAN 2500 by futurumspes
道路修正 GSI/KIBAN 2500 by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
I made a walk through IRUKADESHINDEN and added some detail to the area: some streets, buildings, some corrections near the 神社 (shrine). by JThanx
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
小牧市:建物追加 by Tom_G3X
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
国土地理院オルソで道路等修正,追加 by AYAGE
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
小牧市:建物追加 by Tom_G3X
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
I made a walk through IRUKADESHINDEN and added some detail to the area: some streets, buildings. by JThanx
Added some street details in IRUKADESHINDEN. by JThanx
小牧市:建物追加 by Tom_G3X
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
Corrected name of company in IRUKADESHINDEN. by JThanx
道路修正 bing by futurumspes
道路修正 YahooJapan/ALPSMAP、bing by futurumspes
道路修正 YahooJapan/ALPSMAP、bing by futurumspes
名古屋市熱田区大瀬子町周辺トレース by TKE-waka
#sk #youthmappers #gesan by PASGEO
道路の追加・編集 by tkamada
道路の追加・編集 by tkamada
名古屋市北区 by 円周率3パーセント
7/26MOM閉店 by tobeyuke
