オープンストリートマップ 静岡県 2018 年 07 月 14 日の編集記録

道路と建物の追加・修正。 by Jun7960
Add highways and buildings by higa4
numazu city house shape data by yaritsusozai
numazu city house shape data by yaritsusozai
numazu city house shape data by yaritsusozai
numazu city house shape data by yaritsusozai
Traced houses & Land-use ,(TRH) by Kohki Hiraga
numazu city house shape data by yaritsusozai
Add highways and buildings by higa4
Add highways and buildings by higa4
Add highways and buildings by higa4
Add highways and buildings by higa4
Add POIs from survey by TKE-waka
歩道と建物と駐車場を追加。河川を修正。 by Jun7960
numazu city house shape data by yaritsusozai
numazu city house shape data by yaritsusozai
numazu city house shape data by yaritsusozai
numazu city house shape data by yaritsusozai
numazu city house shape data by yaritsusozai
numazu city house shape data by yaritsusozai
numazu city house shape data by yaritsusozai
numazu city house shape data by yaritsusozai
numazu city house shape data by yaritsusozai
numazu city house shape data by yaritsusozai
numazu city house shape data by yaritsusozai
