オープンストリートマップ 北海道 2018 年 03 月 17 日の編集記録

buildings, coastline, corrections (source=Japan GSI ortho Imagery) by mindedie
buildings, coastline, corrections (source=Japan GSI ortho Imagery) by mindedie
海岸線修正(北見市常呂町) by Hokko-sha
高速道路修正 Bing 2010 by futurumspes
高速道路修正 Bing 2010 by futurumspes
高速道路修正 Bing 2010 by futurumspes
Hokkaido, tidy imported political boundaries to 80cm, apply validation fixes, connect disconnected waterways, fix classification of highway 607 by bdiscoe
高速道路修正 Bing 2010 by futurumspes
Hokkaido, tidy imported political boundaries to 80cm, apply validation fixes by bdiscoe
Итуруп, waterway by Xmypblu
Hokkaido, N of Kushiro, clean up features of experimental algorithmically traces: a large number of self-intersecting, inaccurate and degenerate geometry, produced in 2016 by the accounts 'sugihara mizuna', 'koshimune', 'Yumiko Katayama', 'IGRSHI' by bdiscoe
Hokkaido, N of Kushiro, clean up features of experimental algorithmically traces: a large number of self-intersecting, inaccurate and degenerate geometry, produced in 2016 by the accounts 'sugihara mizuna', 'koshimune', 'Yumiko Katayama', 'IGRSHI' by bdiscoe
Hokkaido, N of Kushiro, clean up features of experimental algorithmically traces: a large number of self-intersecting, inaccurate and degenerate geometry, produced in 2016 by the accounts 'sugihara mizuna', 'koshimune', 'Yumiko Katayama', 'IGRSHI' by bdiscoe
Hokkaido, N of Kushiro, clean up features of experimental algorithmically traces: a large number of self-intersecting, inaccurate and degenerate geometry, produced in 2016 by the accounts 'sugihara mizuna', 'koshimune', 'Yumiko Katayama', 'IGRSHI' by bdiscoe
千代の台線のリレーションを修正 by Yuki Fujita
高速道路修正 Bing 2010 by futurumspes
Hokkaido, N of Kushiro, tidy waterways to 80cm by bdiscoe
中央町工大循環線のリレーションを修正 by Yuki Fujita
Hokkaido, improve a huge woods relation with over 400 members by splitting off 23 ways as a new relation, then tidy and validation fixes by bdiscoe
Hokkaido, improve a huge woods relation by splitting off 63 ways as a separate relation by bdiscoe
Hokkaido, S of town of Mori, refine woods along 尾白内川 by bdiscoe
高速道路修正 Bing 2013 by futurumspes
Hokkaido, around town of Mori, refine woods, split a huge woods relation into 2 relations to make it more manageable by bdiscoe
Hokkaido, improve woods relations which follow admin boundary exactly to share way with the boundary relation by bdiscoe
Hokkaido, tidy and align 漁川 by bdiscoe
Hokkaido, add some missing bridges and a tunnel on 恵庭岳公園線 (117) by bdiscoe
Hokkaido, around 標津町 (Shibetsu), tidy waterways to 80cm, lots of validation fixes especially topology of where streams meet coastline, other alignment fixes by bdiscoe
Hokkaido, around 標津町 (Shibetsu), tidy waterways to 80cm, lots of validation fixes especially topology of where streams meet coastline, other alignment fixes by bdiscoe
苫小牧改善 by BaKaUma
Hokkaido, around Nakashibetsu, tidy waterways to 80cm, validation fixes especially topology of where streams meet coastline, other alignment improvement by bdiscoe
高速道路修正 Bing 2013 by futurumspes
Hokkaido, around Nakashibetsu, tidy waterways to 80cm, validation fixes especially topology of where streams meet coastline, other alignment improvement by bdiscoe
Hokkaido, around Nakashibetsu, tidy waterways to 80cm, validation fixes especially topology of where streams meet coastline, other alignment improvement by bdiscoe
Hokkaido, around Nakashibetsu, tidy waterways to 80cm, validation fixes especially topology of where streams meet coastline, other alignment improvement by bdiscoe
北海道、室蘭市、修正 by Rite@PokemonGo
高速道路修正 Bing 2010 by futurumspes
高速道路修正 Bing 2010 by futurumspes
高速道路修正 GSImaps/std by futurumspes
高速道路修正 Bing 2010 by futurumspes
Fire hydrant Add. by stosh77
