オープンストリートマップ 埼玉県 2018 年 02 月 18 日の編集記録

金町水元周辺編集 by Hiragi
公園を追加 by RacerAngler
存在しない道路を削除 by RacerAngler
地元知識をもとに公園内を編集 by Akio Takashige
公園の形状を修正。歩道を追加。 by RacerAngler
地元知識をもとに公園内を編集 by Akio Takashige
Add Ackeerflaeche by S H I N I C H I
Add Farmland by S H I N I C H I
Add Farmland by S H I N I C H I
Created 3 motorcycle shops and 2 driving_schools; Updated a motorcycle shop by Magiskter
Created 2 motorcycle shops and a clothes shop; Updated an attraction, a museum, and a toilet by Magiskter
実態との乖離 by taka61
rough alignment of cycling paths around cycle center. tagged cycle center amenities. by javbw
rough alignment of cycling paths around cycle center. tagged cycle center amenities. by javbw
Created a motorcycle_parking by Magiskter
川越市-基盤地図情報を元に建物をトレース by k_zoar
川越市-基盤地図情報を元に建物をトレース by k_zoar
地物との乖離 by taka61
rough alignment of cycling paths around cycle center. tagged cycle center amenities. by javbw
Name style of English, Russian and Romaji Japanese names in Yamanashi Prefecture by AlexM51
