オープンストリートマップ 北海道 2017 年 11 月 10 日の編集記録

buildings, land-use/cover, corrections (source=Japan GSI ortho Imagery) by mindedie
edited Building by jyun76
added Post Box by jyun76
edited 厚別ひばりが丘郵便局 by jyun76
buildings (source=Bing) by mindedie
test by tomoaono
Created a bank, a company office, and 2 other objects by 荘田昌宏
Created an attraction and a restaurant by 荘田昌宏
Created a community_centre and a police by 荘田昌宏
Created a bank by 荘田昌宏
Created 2 restaurants and a bank by 荘田昌宏
Created a hospital by 荘田昌宏
test by tomoaono
test by tomoaono
Administrative boundary by atozca
Природа by Cepera1575
夕張IC_修正 by jyun76
add point of '獅子内神社' at Tobetsu-town. by ysOsm
