オープンストリートマップ 静岡県 2017 年 10 月 18 日の編集記録

歩行者専用。ベイシア浜松都田テクノ店の裏側出入口に通じているためそのまま進めば店舗へ入ることができます。 by pon_de_lions
ベイシア電器西側にある無人リサイクルボックス。 by pon_de_lions
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
松岡紙業が運営している無人タイプのリサイクル回収所。浜松西インター近くに浜松地区の回収拠点があります。 by pon_de_lions
ハックドラッグからウエルシアに店舗が変わりました。 by pon_de_lions
店舗建て替えをし2017年7月にリニューアルオープン。 by pon_de_lions
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
郊外のバス停に整備された駐車場または駐輪場に自家用車や自転車を駐車・駐輪(パーク)し、そこからは公共交通機関に乗り(ライド)、都心部等の目的地まで移動する「パーク&ライド」のための駐車場。 by pon_de_lions
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
郊外のバス停に整備された駐車場または駐輪場に自家用車や自転車を駐車・駐輪(パーク)し、そこからは公共交通機関に乗り(ライド)、都心部等の目的地まで移動する「パーク&ライド」のための駐車場。 by pon_de_lions
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
ポケットパーク追加 by origami55
駐車場追加 by origami55
駐車場名称追加 by origami55
公園名称追加 by origami55
次郎長堤跡追加 by origami55
建物の追加/精度向上@シズオク by 下り専門
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
OSM Inspectorでのエラーを修正 by 下り専門
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Created 2 convenience shops, a fast_food, and a fuel by 黒猫R
Created an attraction and a convenience shop by 黒猫R
ポケットパーク追加 by origami55
名称修正 by origami55
東海大学付属校名称修正 by origami55
ローソン追加 by origami55
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
すき家・はま寿司追加 by origami55
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
高速バスeLiner新宿渋谷線、横浜線の乗降所です。 by pon_de_lions
高速バスeLiner新宿渋谷線、横浜線の乗降所に隣接しているバス利用者用の駐車場です。 by pon_de_lions
高速バスeLiner新宿渋谷線、横浜線のバス利用者用の駐車場です。 by pon_de_lions
遠鉄高速バス利用者用の待合室です。 by pon_de_lions
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
閉鎖につき削除 by origami55
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
Created an electronics shop by 黒猫R
Created an attraction by 黒猫R
Created a restaurant by 黒猫R
Created a pharmacy by 黒猫R
Traced houses,farmlands , forests, trees by Kohki Hiraga
