オープンストリートマップ 岐阜県 2017 年 10 月 14 日の編集記録

trased forest based on Bing by Kohki Hiraga
Add gas station エネオスDr.Drive金岡町SS in Tajimi city/Gifu pref. by y-fukuta
Add convenience store ローソン多治見池田店 by y-fukuta
Modify name for LAWSON多治見池田店 by y-fukuta
Add convenience store セブンイレブン多治見池田町店 by y-fukuta
Add subaru car dealer 多治見池田店 by y-fukuta
Add 道の駅 in Toki city / Gifu pref. by y-fukuta
Change POI genre(category) to Service area, because there is no 道の駅(Michi no eki, a kind of service area not only for the vehicle, but also non-vehicle user and non-tourists). But I cannot choose 道の駅 from web-based edit took "ID. by y-fukuta
Add some building for a highschool in Tajimi city - Tajimi kita high school. Also added address info. by y-fukuta
Add some building for a highschool in Tajimi city - Tajimi kita high school. Also added address info. by y-fukuta
Add 神言修道会多治見修道院 in Tajimi city/ Gifu pref. by y-fukuta
Delete a bridge for traffic, because this is not a bridge, but a water pipe. by y-fukuta
