オープンストリートマップ 福島県 2017 年 09 月 10 日の編集記録

Added building by donuzium
Added building by donuzium
会津若松市神明神社の地物を追加 by muramototomoya
会津若松市リオンドール周辺の地物を追加 by muramototomoya
会津若松市リオンドール周辺の地物を追加 by muramototomoya
fixing and cleaning up wikipedia/wikidata using by nyuriks
Added building by donuzium
Added building by donuzium
会津若松市リ蒲生氏郷記念公園の地物を追加 by muramototomoya
Removed my conflicted edit because I uploaded old data that remained in browser. And fix building's shape. by donuzium
Fixed shape of buildings by donuzium
会津若松市リ蒲生氏郷記念公園近辺の地物を追加 by muramototomoya
Added building by donuzium
